Report to:

People Scrutiny Committee


Date of meeting:


17 July 2023


Assistant Chief Executive



People Scrutiny Committee Work Programme



To review and discuss the People Scrutiny Committee’s future work programme

RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee is recommended to:

1)    review and agree the latest work programme set out at Appendix 1;

2)    review upcoming items on East Sussex County Council’s Forward Plan as set out at Appendix 3 to identify any issues that may require more detailed scrutiny.


1          Background


1.1       The work programme is an important tool in ensuring the correct focus and best use of the Committee’s time in scrutinising topics that are of importance to the residents of East Sussex, and the efficient and effective working of the Council. It also provides clarity for those who may be requested to give evidence to the Committee on the issues under review, and the questions the Committee requires answers to.


1.2       Discussion of the work programme provides the Committee with the opportunity to consider topics that it may be of value to scrutinise, and to decide whether further scoping work is required. This provides a basis for deciding the best way of scrutinising a topic, the timescale, and who from the Committee will be involved in carrying out the review work. If there are a number of potential topics for review, Members can determine the priority of the work within the resources available to the Committee.

2          Supporting information


Work programme


2.1       The Committee’s latest work programme is attached at Appendix 1, incorporating a number of updates including those outlined below. The Committee is asked to consider, discuss and agree the work programme, subject to any further changes required.  


Scrutiny Reviews


Adult Social Care and Health Equality and Inclusion   


2.2       The review into Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care and Health has concluded and the final report is included on this meeting agenda.


School Exclusions


2.3       The Review into School Exclusions is underway. Review meetings are considering evidence around preventative strategies, work with early help and education services, appropriate responses to children at risk, the role of governors and council messaging.


2.4       The Board has agreed a planned timeline to report to the Committee in November 2023 which is reflected in the attached work programme.



Reference Groups


Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP) Reference Group


2.5       The Reference Group met on 1 June 2023 to consider and comment on key elements of the draft Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan ahead of it being considered by the Leader and Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development (SMED).


2.6       The Reference Group welcomed the Plan and discussed: how the Plan’s actions will be delivered and resourced; the use of digitisation to deliver services; community engagement, including with seldom heard groups; the place-based governance arrangements and the impact on staffing. The Group’s comments on the Plan were submitted to the Leader and Lead Member for SMED to inform his consideration of the Delivery Plan.


Prevention in Children’s Services


2.7       Following the agreement at the March Committee that the Prevention in Children’s Services Review be converted into a Reference Group, the Group held its first meeting on 29 June 2023. The Group heard from the Department about its work on Family Safeguarding and Family Hubs, both of which focus on whole family support and early intervention to prevent the need for more serious intervention later.


2.8       The Reference Group enquired about how these programmes would be supported on the ground, including the recruitment of staff and governance; monitoring progress; access to this support for people in rural areas and in areas of deprivation and how this support will be promoted to families. The Group agreed that this work would be of interest to the wider Committee and to share the presentations and minutes of the meeting. The presentation slides are included at Appendix 2 and the minutes will be circulated by e-mail when available.


Reports for Information


Adult Social Care Strategy


2.9       The new Adult Social Care Strategy was agreed by Cabinet on 27 June 2023. A briefing was provided to Committee Members on the Strategy in advance which covered the key elements of the Strategy; work undertaken to develop the Strategy, including extensive community engagement and the proposed approach to launching the Strategy and communicating it to stakeholders.


2.10     Committee Members welcomed the Strategy and asked a range of questions to gain a better understanding of the key priorities and the implications this would have on staffing, resources and budget.


Forward Plan


2.11     A copy of the Council’s Forward Plan of executive decisions for the period 1 July 2023 to 31 October 2023 is included at Appendix 3. The Committee is requested to review the forthcoming items on the Forward Plan to identify any issues within the remit of this Committee that may require more detailed scrutiny. The Forward Plan is revised and published on a monthly basis and Committee members should regularly review the Forward Plan.


3.         Conclusion and reasons for recommendations


3.1       An important part of managing the work of the People Scrutiny Committee is regularly reviewing its future work programme. This involves the Committee assessing its priorities, ensuring its ongoing reviews are completed in a timely fashion and identifying new areas for scrutiny.   


Assistant Chief Executive


Contact Officer: Rachel Sweeney, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser      

Tel. No. 07561267461
